Rain Forest Offers Leek Orchid Surprise : August 11 2022

in Actifit3 years ago

Turned into a grey day contrary to the forecast of sun. Got busy doing stuff in the morning. Raked the back lawns for the gardening action

We have a friend staying for the night - got dinner stuff moving for 8 hours in sous vide - photos later

Decided to drive to walk to search for leek orchids. A friend had posted in the week they were about. Theme for the day starts with a bit of pink and new beginnings

New beginning is a combo of an old orchid spike and the new season growth - leaf and spike - bearded orchid

Side of the trail has been chopped back - new beginnings from a tree stump

Pink spider grevillea

Decided not to check the rainforest slice first and head onto the long track as I had seen leek orchids there last year. No luck but lots to savour - like this flower hanging in from last summer

By now you will have seen tons of these photos in pink - first time I have seen a white one.

Walked to the end for view across Cowan Creek. We live on the north side of that body of water and my favourite track runs along the shore - currently closed

Tracking back saw lots of these spiky plants with tiny white flowers

More pink and new openings for Sydney boronia

Disappointed to not find sun orchids or leek orchids seen last year - did duck back into rain forest into known spots for tall greenhoods

Pterostylis longifolia

Front on - walked through the bush hoping to find nodding greenhoods. They are finished. Decided to track back to small path to head out. Saw this directly opposite where I got onto the path

Sorry for lack of focus but this is a leek orchid budding. Have to come back in a week - then I looked right and right there

Standing tall with several flowers open is the leek orchid I came to find

Prasophyllum brevilabre - the best part is I was not told where to look. I had an idea which track to walk but have never seen them in the rain forest segment

Side on view of the frills.

The walk story is 8,000 steps walked and no orchids and find 2 types just 400 steps from car park. And it did not rain.

Back to the morning story - lots of king parrots came by - two in one frame - male and female

Dinner plan is for beef sirloin roast in sous vide.

Steps. Season with salt and pepper. Sear the beef in butter and garlic and rosemary

3 minutes fat side down

2 minutes on the other side - sets the flavours going

Vacuum seal with some dried herbs - choose your favourites

Sous vide for 8 to 10 hours at 140F for medium - 130F for medium rare

Finish off in the skillet and rest before serving. Reduce the jus that comes from the bag with a little port.

Served with roast potatoes and sweet potstoes and boiled beans and brussels sprouts

Our guest was happy.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Gardening, House Chores, Photowalking, Shopping


Your photos tell a story. Somehow, the orchids look unique and beautiful of course. The view of Cowan Creek is wonderful, it will probably look majestic during a sunset.

Lastly, that slab of meat... I want one 😍😅

Sunset photo would be good as the photo looks west. Would be tough to walk back an hour in the dark.
