Feels like a nowhere day. Bad dreams - slow to start. Banged out emails on the latest Kevin Fahey launch. I like his stuff as the training is all hands on, over the shoulder. Spent a lot of time testing it all out - found bugs in the first follow up email. That cost me my day - cannot promote stuff that does not work out the box
Went walking to clear the head - not seen a white hibiscus like this - smaller than I recall
Water dragon greets my entry to the bush - 17 minute walk downhill from home
Progress check on budding greenhood - going to guess 10 more days
Not seen this before. Hard to tell if it belongs in the bush or escaped. The gardens are close by
Few more greenhoods emerging further along
End of season for bonnet orchid - lots of leaves but only two spikes
Did find one open - cryptostylis erecta - bonnet orchid
Maybe another garden escapee
Saw this cluster of greenhood leaves on a mossy topped rick on the way back
One budding. There was one a bit further on but photo was out of focus - sharp greenhood - pterostylis acuminata. First time find on this track
Something new too - chiloglottis leaves in among the brush turkey scratchings
Was not shaping up as a mushroom walk till this copper top
Then these wooden looking ones a few metres on
Took the side track that goes to Kiparra Street for the first time. Chiloglottis orchids on the track edge - and a mini mushroom
In low water, Blackbutt Creek flows along this crack in the rock. Almost by design - in flood, bring wellies
Greenhoods up the other side. Another walk to explore the side as it climbs away from the creek into the scherophyll forest
Got the steps in. Leftovers for dinner.
Busy trade evening after no trades in 3 portfolios last week. Bought CCJ, NXE, ECU, CBK.DE, BARC.L. Credit spreads on AMD, NVDA, LMT. Call spreads on UNRJ. Sold JUPI.DE
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Lovely article and natural pictures display... I love it