Slow Steady Walks, Soury Soup & My Actifit Report Card: June 16 2024

in Actifit9 months ago

I started my day with a nice, steady slow walk in the little patch of jungle behind my place. It was exactly what I needed, just like yesterday with some fresh air and a good dose of vitamin D. I’m still not fully recovered yet, with this annoying cough lingering, so I took it easy.

After the walk, I tackled a few house chores that had been piling up. Nothing too strenuous, just enough to feel productive. Then, I decided to cook some sour fish soup. I got a bit carried away with the sourness, and it turned out way too sour. I had to add some hot water to tone it down. LOL.

Despite the lingering cough, it felt good to move around a bit and get things done. I hope to get back to the fitness studio tomorrow, but I have a feeling it might be too soon with this embarrassing cough still hanging around. Sheesh.

Laters Actifitters!
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,House Chores


beautiful flower,good health to you,thank you for sharing the report,have a nice day and have a great weekend

How blissful, kabsat!!!!
