Greetings to the @actifit community, I hope everyone is having a wonderful, successful day filled with many blessings.
My day today was very active, I activated my @actifit step counter early; since I had to leave very early to buy some medicine for my dad and I went with the idea of walking a lot because the medicine that my father is given is very difficult to get in the country and I had to go to a wide variety of pharmacies to find it. So I took advantage of my day off from work, I got active and went out ready to walk around the city all day to bring that precious medicine with me; since, without it, my father cannot breathe well.
Despite it being a weekday and therefore a work day, there were quite a few people in the center of my city, it seemed like a weekend. I was amazed to see so many people shopping, it wasn't payday either, well yes, they paid the monthly bonus to public employees in my case eight dollars ($8) but for some strange reason I don't think the crowd was due to the payment they made to the government employees, I think it was due to other payments that I don't know about, that they would make to the vast majority of the population.
However; this tragic, mysterious and unknown situation did not take me away from my goal, which was to get that wonderful elixir that would give my father back that ability that we living beings have to exchange gases with the external environment, and which consists of the entry of oxygen into the body of a living being and the exit of carbon dioxide from it: Breathing.
On the journey of searching for this miracle medicine, I was able to enjoy myself, to have a moment alone with myself, to walk, to see people, faces, faces that I will never see again, I contemplated the sky, the clouds, the mountains, the businesses, the saleswomen with their usual "at your service" "at your service".
On the journey I also met two former students who greeted me with great emotion, I only recognized one who had changed her appearance slightly, I could not recognize the other, it's just that the boys change very quickly; however, I pretended to have recognized her, she greeted me with such affection, that I was embarrassed to tell her that I had no idea who she was.
I had a wonderful day, I didn't stress, I was confident that I would get that medicine, I walked and walked and already at midday I was able to get the medicine in a pharmacy that a saleswoman had recommended to me, I was very lucky because there were only two boxes of the precious drug left and without thinking twice I asked for them and achieved my goal.
I took the opportunity to have a delicious burger for lunch that I had been wanting to eat for days, I bought some things for my children and some things for personal use and on the way to the bus stop I remembered a beautiful tree that I made a post
about last week and my Hive fans like @cayitus63 @mariiale1979 @helicreamarket and others asked me for more explicit photos of the famous tree in my city that has spectacular dimensions and incredible roots that broke the pavement of the street forcing people to swerve off the road.
This girl, I suppose, was just like me, amazed by such a wonder of nature or perhaps angry, since the police had a group of motorcyclists detained near the big tree for not wearing helmets. I will be left with doubts and with the desire to have asked her what she was doing there, completely absorbed, what I do know is that I missed out on some good gossip.
Here we can see that as I approached the tree to photograph it, not even the rays of light could penetrate those enormous leafy branches. This fact gives us an idea of how imposing this great tree is, which does not even let the rays of our inclement and magnanimous star pass through.
Look at this wonder of nature. Every time I see this enormous tree, I can't help but look at it and marvel.
The photos are small compared to such grandeur. You can even see a lighthouse between its branches. I undoubtedly see an exquisite work of art made by nature.
The roots breaking the pavement without any mercy.
Photos taken with my Honor X6 cell phone
Story of my own experience
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.
Saludos a la comunidad de @actifit, espero todos estén pasando un día maravilloso, exitoso y lleno de muchas bendiciones.
Mi día hoy estuvo muy activo, desde temprano activé mi contador de pasos de @actifit; ya que tenía que salir desde muy temprano a comprarle unas medicinas a mi papá y me fui con la idea de caminar mucho porque la medicina que se le suministra a mi padre es muy difícil de conseguir en el país y me tocaba recorrer una gran variedad de farmacias para dar con ella. Así que aproveché mi día libre en el trabajo, me activé y salí dispuesta a recorrer toda la ciudad durante todo el día para traer ese preciado fármaco conmigo ; ya que, sin ella mi padre no puede respirar bien.
A pesar de ser un día de semana y por lo tanto laboral, había bastante personas en el Centro de mi ciudad, parecía un fin de semana. Me quedé asombrada de ver tantas personas realizando compras, tampoco era fecha de cobro, bueno sí, le pagaron el mes de aguinaldo a los empleados públicos en mi caso ocho dólares (8$) pero por alguna extraña razón no creo que la multitud se deba al pago que le hicieron a los empleados públicos del gobierno, creo que se deba a otros pagos de los cuales desconozco, que le harían a la gran mayoría de la población.
Sin embargo; esta trágica situación misteriosa y desconocida no me alejaba de mi objetivo, el cual era conseguir ese maravilloso elixir que le devolvería a mi padre esa capacidad que tenemos los seres vivos de intercambian gases con el medio externo, y el cual consiste en la entrada de oxígeno al cuerpo de un ser vivo y la salida de dióxido de carbono del mismo : Respirar.
En el trayecto de la búsqueda de esta medicina milagrosa, pude disfrutar, tener un momento a solas conmigo, caminar, ver personas, semblantes, caras que nunca más volveré a ver, contemplaba el cielo, las nubes, las montañas, los negocios, las vendedoras con su habituales "a la orden" "a la orden".
En el recorrido también me conseguí dos exalumnas que me saludaron con una gran emoción, solo reconocí a una que había cambiado de aspecto levemente, la otra no pude reconocerla, es que los chicos cambian muy rápido; sin embargo, fingí haberla reconocido, es que me saludó con tanto cariño, que me dio pena decirle que no tenía ni idea de quien era.
Pasé un día maravilloso, no me estresé, confiaba en que conseguiría ese medicamento, caminé y caminé y ya a pleno mediodía pude conseguir la medicina en una farmacia que una vendedora me había recomendado, tuve mucha suerte porque solo quedaban dos cajitas del preciado fármaco y sin pensarlo dos veces las pedí y logré mi objetivo.
Aproveché para almorzar una rica hamburguesa que tenía días queriendo comer, le compré algunas cosas a mis hijos y otras de uso personal y camino a la parada me acordé de un hermoso árbol del cual realicé un post la semana pasada y mis fans de Hive como @cayitus63 @mariiale1979 @helicreamarket y entre otros me pidieron fotos mas explícitas del famoso árbol de mi ciudad que tiene unas dimensiones espectaculares y unas increíbles raíces que rompieron el pavimento de la calle obligando a las personas desviarse del camino.
Esta chica supongo que al igual que yo, estaba maravillada ante tal prodigio de la naturaleza o tal vez enojada, ya que los policías tenían a un grupo de motorizados detenidos cerca del gran árbol por no llevar casco, me quedaré con las dudas y con las ganas de haberle preguntado que hacía allí completamente absorta, lo que si sé es que me perdí de un buen chisme.
Aquí podemos observar que mientras me acerco al árbol para fotografiarlo ni los rayos de luz podían atravesar esas enormes ramas frondosas, tal hecho nos da una idea de lo imponente que es este gran árbol, que ni siquiera deja pasar los rayos de nuestra inclemente y magnánima estrella.
Miren este prodigio de la naturaleza, cada vez que veo este enorme árbol no hago más que observarlo y maravillarme.
Las fotos se quedan pequeñas ante tal grandeza. Se puede ver hasta un faro entre sus ramas. Indudablemente yo veo una exquisita obra de arte hecha por la naturaleza.
Las raíces rompiendo el pavimento sin ninguna compasión.
Fotos tomadas con mi celular Honor X6
Historia de mi propia experiencia
Traducido y formateado con Hive Translator por @noakmilo.

Height1.59 cm | ![]() | Weight45 kg | ![]() | Body Fat30 % | ![]() |
Waist60 cm | ![]() | Thighs15 cm | ![]() | Chest50 cm | ![]() |
Eu tenho um fascínio por árvores gigante,as alturas mim fazem sentir livre, quando olho para cima e vejo uma árvore gigante tenho uma sensação inexplicável de liberdade, também amo o sistema de raízes é como se fosse duas árvores uma abaixo da terra oculta e outra sobre a terra, Yolernis você faz idéia do tamanho das raízes que tem essa árvore abaixo da terra,deve ser tão gigante quanto a altura dela
Sim, é enorme e já vi suas fotos, você deveria fazer sua apresentação no Hive e mostrar todas essas belezas, saudações linda mulher do Brasil, obrigado pela visita
Sim tenho árvores gigantes aqui, uma mais fascinante que a outra, quando tinha dez anos eu escalava e já quebrei um braço fazendo isso 😁
mulher do Brasil, tome mais cuidado..., você tem que se cuidar bem para sua família
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Tremendo recorrido @cositav y te comprendo, todo sea por conseguir ese medicamento tan vital para tu papá... Y por cierto, que nada más con ver el árbol que se le salen las raíces 🌳 ya sabía dónde estabas 😆 es super emblemático jeje
Saludos ✨️ 🤗
ahhh bueno, por alli mismo es jjjee
I am glad you found the medicine and had a good time despite having to look at many places for it.
The tree is amazing!
Good job with your 5493 @actifit steps for the day. Take care!
gracias, toda una proeza
Thank you!
¡Es gigante! Es beunto que te augmentaron el sueldo
He was charged with battery
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of thebighigg
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@cositav, I sent you an
Gracias, jjeeee si un gran aumento
Hola @cositav, esas si son las raíces grandes del árbol de la estación del metro Lara con Ferias, es impresionante ver cómo la raíz levanto la acera ...! Muy bueno tu post
gracias @cayitus63 es impresionante lo que puede hacer la naturaleza cuando le arrebatan su espacio
@cositav exactamente, así es..!!
What a joy that you were able to get the necessary medicines for your father, to breathe and make his process, it is too big and how strong it is to lift with its roots the concrete, it gives a lot of shade, let's stay then with the doubts, if these people were resting for a while to continue, seeing the magnitude of the tree or pending gossip, if they take arrested or not the motorized.
jjejejjej ese chisme me lo perdí , por estar tomando fotos
Hoping your dad is doing well, I'm left enjoying that big tree. there are some awesome forums, like the one with the roots pushing up the sidewalk.
A very big hug @cositav
Thanks, and yes, it really is a tree monster.
@thebighigg likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(18/50)@cositav! to your account on behalf of @thebighigg.
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Ese árbol 🌲 lo conozco yo trabajo cerca me alegra que haiga hive de Valencia