My posting plans got twisted again, I had already selected a couple of photos from yesterday, but before posting them I tried again to upload a video and today it worked.
We got a bit of snow back, don't know for how long it'll last this time, but it was time for a good warm up, a big ball warm up. :))
Max will definitely sleep tonight!😇
Where does he get all his energy Lol!🤗
Awesome video, I’ll let @mcfarhat know you were able to upload your video!👍
Energy? Probably from being young. :)) I wish I had that kind of energy. You wake him up a 3am and he is ready to go!
You and me both Lol….🤣😇
I just want to sleep in…..and tomorrow I will!🤗
Have a good weekend!
Wow, that giant soccer ball is awesome! Max definitely enjoys it! I think Kaia would like it too, and I am definitely sure my previous dog Genepi would have loved it! Need to check if I can get one now!
Any kind of big ball that they can't bit into is cool, prolonged play time :)))
Love the video! Max was really enjoying himself! Awesome! Take care!
Game times is always fun, Max enjoys it, awesome you were able to upload your video. Have a great day ahead.
Max plays so well
I like that!