Report Card Night -- Actifit Report Card: November 14, 2024

in Actifit3 months ago

Oy vey! I can start to see my breath on my walks to school in the morning. Winter is coming, and the cooler temps are here. It's time to zip up my morning jacket. I actually made it to school a few minutes early and dressed up a bit nicer for our Report Card Night to discuss the 1st trimester grades with parents.

There was definitely a bunch of prep work around the school as we prepped for meeting the parents. We got a delicious taco bar for late lunch to keep the teachers happy, and I loaded up 4 steak n guacamole tacos. Extra cilantro for all the toxic heavy metals swirling through our Bushwick air supply.

Well, at least I have amazing street art like the fun cover picture to help decorate our neighborhood to make it feel better. When I got home at 7pm I was wiped out. I jammed enough Splinterlands battles to fight myself up to Modern Champion 2 before tapping out and going to bed early. Until next time...

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Moving Around Office, Walking


Nice wall... Taco & splinter, great night 😀


Yes, that is a powerful combination!
