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_Business Amidst Covid 19 Shocks ...! _
_Read Social Media Today, Of course We All Understand, That The World Is In A Very Unusual State, No One Human Being Can Predict Things Will Be Like Now ...! _
_In the World Tens of Million People Are Predicted to Losing Their Job Due to Corona ...! _
_In Indonesia alone, there have been mass layoffs everywhere, there are many that must be sent home without being paid, many middle and lower companies are threatened with bankruptcy / roll the mat ...! _
_Hive has taught us all to be smart in utilizing the advancement of MEDSOS TECHNOLOGY, during the Covid 19 hurricane ...! _
_Bernaung Like HIVE BLOG, Is The Right Way To Improve Our Economy When The Covids 19 Hurricane Hits, From Home You Can Earn Many Times, Of Course It Is An Advantage. Moreover, HIVE is the Best for teaching us to work online even though Covids 19 hits ...! _
_HiVe Businesses That Keep Growing Helping each other Even though the Covid 19 Period It's Only Currently Still in the Process of Learners to Work ...! _
_Yes, The Most Logical Business Today Is A Business That Is Invited To Productive, Income Only At Home For Old Age And LOVED FAMILIES ...! _
_So, don't be surprised why we have to work to develop thoughts and insights during the current pandemic, continue to grow and give birth to new millionaires who change their lives and improve the family economy ...! _
- _Congratulations to you PAK / BU who are still passionate about working ...! _ *
.. 😍💪🔥
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