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RE: Life along the canal: April 8 2021

in Actifit4 years ago

I was just at a farm supply store today and saw some kits to set up bee hives. I might would like to try that, but my husband is allergic. Not a good combination! I love the swan picture, and is that a tiny baby swan swimming close by? Excellent job with your 16599 @actifit steps for the day. Take care my friend and keep on steppin'!


Thanks a lot for your kind words! Being allergic to bee stings while living in the countryside is unfair. I am fine with bees - my granparents used to have three beehives so I got stung all the time when holidaying with them every summer; in the end, I got so used to it that I would only have a mild irritation around the sting. My grandma also used to catch a bee and make it sting her in her back - she believed it helped with back pain. This was in the middle or Russian countryside in the old Soviet Union days.

Wow! I'm not sure I could stand being stung in the back. Many years ago while putting polyurethane on a door I was finishing, I had the misfortune to get stung in the shoulder blade by a yellow jacket (granted, not a honey bee at all, lol). I had a 6 inch ring that swelled up. Not fun. As a child, I would play in the grass and there was lots of clover. Not a summer went by that I didn't put my hand down to prop myself up, and would manage to get nailed by a grazing honey bee.

Thanks for commenting, and take care; have a wonderful day!