Not being able to hold form puts you a risk of seriously injurying yourself and causing more setback then it is worth. Even potentially injuring yourself really bad and never being able to lift weights again.
I would say it is more beneficial to just do more reps at the weight lower and be able to complete the rep until you are ready to do the next weight. I think a lot of the guys that are super young lifting heavy are often actually injuring themselves by lifting more then they should with bad form. I've seen it many times when going to the gym. Building muscle is also not so much about the weight of the weights you use but the movement and working the muscle. Lifting heavier is not going to get you bigger muscles faster. Yes, as you build more muscle you will need to lift heavier. However, it's more about the overall how many times you can lift something and doing the consistant movements and form that is going to get you there.
You can also find programs for lifting also that will tell you how many reps to do and things like that. Which could help. Doing more sets is also an option too.
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