HOLY SHIT!!!! Best flying day yet! I flew for 54 minutes!!!!! OMG it was amazing. I caught my first thermals, I found the lift on my own, soared over hawks coyotes and deer, then bombed out SOOOOOO close to an hour. Best flight I have had! This is Mike who is the king of Tekoa and knows it implicitly. Watching him fly is a lesson each time if you know what to look for. He made a direct shot at a small cloud building and found a nice thermal to ride. Fucking outstanding day! I felt afraid but not in fear and was able to focus on finding lift and did. So awesome.
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Congratulations. You made it.
It should be called an exceptional day then
This place looks very beautiful weather is very nice.
Where is this lauch?
Tekoa in eastern central Washington.
Rad. Looks like a spot in England