My Actifit Report Card: March 16 2024

in Actifit11 months ago

Getting back in the groove with this report. I have to admit I’ve been slacking the last few months. After breakfast I put a load of dishes in the dishwasher and then went to the master bedroom. We have been renovating it since we moved in last year and are close to the point of painting the room. The previous owners had painted it a hideous purple and green.

We have a dog we adopted from the local pound. She is a Treewalker hound and I take her out several times a day. I also try to walk her on the local rail trail if the weather isn’t too bad.

Also planning the garden for this year. Reading seed catalogs and deciding the layout. Last year it was 30 by 60 feet I believe. Hoping to do some raised beds and might get chickens for the eggs this summer.

Ran to the local grocery store for some eggs and cheese. Got some snacks while I was there. Can’t believe how warm it’s been the last few days. Anyway, thanks for reading.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,House Chores,Shopping,Walking
