Neighborhood stroll: February 24, 2025

in Actifit4 days ago

Hubby and I went out for a walk around the neighborhood.

We have had three days of warmer weather, and most of the snow melted. So there were puddles everywhere.

Also, the deer were out in force, looking at us with their “doe eyes” and watching us pass by. They are quite tame. I have no doubt we could train them to come to us and take food right out of our hands.

They were much easier to see when we had the white snow as a background. Now they are camouflaged.

Well that’s it for this blog post. Thank you for checking it out!

Photo credits: All of the photos in this post were taken by me and belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

My bio: I am a fiction writer and photographer based in Minnesota. I have had a lifelong love of fiction writing. I am earned my MFA in writing from the University of New Hampshire. My short stories go de have appeared in a range of literary journals and anthologies, and my first short story collection, Somewhere in Minnesota is available on Amazon US as well as international Amazon sites., Barnes & Noble or from the publisher.


Want to know what I'm publishing and where? Visit my website,, or follow me on X, aka Twitter, at or on Instagram at

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Looks like springtime in Minnesota as well!😊
Nice to see the neighborhood full of deer !
Our backyard is usually a sanctuary for deer …. I certainly hope the cougars don’t figure that out!🙄😇

Yeah I've always wanted to put food or a salt lick out for them but my husband won't have it! 😁

I would do that as well……..
We’ve actually had deer come up to us while we were in our hot tub almost within reaching range😊
I hate the thought of them getting too comfortable with us, and some hunter taking advantage of their trust!🙄

Having wild-ish deer just at your backyard is so cool!!!

Though I'd guess there's the risk of stepping on deer dung😂😂

You would think so. @seki1 but I never have! They must be very discrete. 😁

Your report is engaging! It's delightful to hear about the deer sightings during your neighborhood walk.

By the way, did you know that for over a month now there has been a new tag #automaticwin, where you get an extra benefit if you walk 10,000 steps by 10:00? Details at:

nice animals

Great post dear

Walking alongside your mate gives added courage. Am happy you guys are living together in this critical time where divorce is rampant. My regards to your spouse

Thank you!
