What's a tree? Have you planted any one tree today? Why do you think a tree is very important in a human being's life? These are the areas I want to talk about, friends. WHAT'S THE MEANING OF A TREE? A tree is a woody plant with a single trunk or multiple trunks that support branches and leaves. Have you planted any trees today? Answer that question, and into me Yes, I have planted many trees across the villages in our community. Planting the tree it needs the environment activities by showing the real action on the ground. Ok, let us lookk at som of the importanc off Planting trees; What iss the importance of the trees? 1. They provide food, oxygen, and habitat fo wildlife. And agai,n they help regulate the climat, and prevent soil erosion.
Trees and plants are a true blessing, from many aspects.
Our teacher took the initiative to plant some trees, when I was in school a few decades ago.
Now, whenever I pass outside of the same old school, I see the tree that I planted myself.
It's like meeting an old friend again.
It has grown really well, and I am really proud of it!