My Actifit Report Card: March 3 2025 - You Never Had It Better

in Actifit6 days ago (edited)

People seem to need something to complain about.

Bitcoin is down. Hive is down.

Did you but BTC at 5K? Then it's way up.

Did you buy HIVE at 15 cents? Also up.

Or maybe you were rewarded with free HIVE for your actions here. Then you're always up!

Why do people's passions complicate their best laid plans?
Can you stop the hour glass if you hold it in your hands?
Get yourself together. You never had it better!

Keep your head together friend. Be calm and cool, follow your plan.

Let the hour glass drop more sand. Time is on your side.

Don't let your passions dictate your actions.

Zoom out if you have to look at the charts.

Over the long term, you've never had it better.

So get yourself together!


This is an old song, from 1966 or 67. The band is the Electric Prunes. In their main bit hit, they told us how they had too much to dream last night. We dream too much too. Just stay calm! Give it a few more days or weeks or months. And while you're here, interact! Comment on people's posts. Throw around your mighty up votes. Treat someone nice. Show someone some love.


My Activity

was varied today. Some random movement, some food shopping. Some actual productive programming! Gems are more than half way in at #PEPE Game. Implementing and testing are going well.

Feels Good Man!

I also did some weightlifting. Barbells with the 2 exercises you know I do. Dumbbells with some shoulder work. And core too; that's the beauty of dumbbells. You can use just one and then your core has to stabilize you. Make it work!

At night I walked. Not too far. It was chilly but not bad. I met stairs and climbed 53 of them. More than usual. Higher and higher!

We got through a Monday. Not without crypto drama. UP DOWN UP DOWN. Geez! But get yourself together, we never had it better! Don't dream too much. Get your head in the game and make your plan and then work your plan. DO IT, MAN!

Love You ALL!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Stair Climbing, Walking, Weight Lifting


Hey Kenny, I don't think I ever bot HIVE at .15, but i did get some at .258 this time around. :)

no can it go UP pls!! 😎👊

Love your positive outlook, Kenny! It’s so true that focusing on the long game and supporting each other can really make a difference.

Here's to staying calm, sticking with our plans, and lifting each other up through the ups and downs!

nice poetry

Yea people are never happy and that's a known fact 😂 in general there will always be something to complain about

If we all want to benefit from something, we have to keep calm and also put in more effort…
