My Actifit Report Card: March 4 2025 - Find Somebody To Love

in Actifit23 days ago (edited)

I saw the speech tonight. I think we should try to love everyone, even those we disagree with. We all share the sun, moon and Earth. Maybe we'll have an opportunity to live on Mars soon but now we're all neighbors on this one planet where there are many different tribes and communities. What can we do, not only for our own community but for others that we are not in?

We can listen to them. Learn about them. Try to understand them. Find common ground. Really do it: Love They Neighbor. Because really, we're all neighbors.

So the above reminds me tangentially of a song from 1967 by New York's own The Young Rascals, called Find Somebody. They had some hits like Good Lovin' and How Can I Be Sure and Groovin' and several others. But this is a cool deep cut from the Groovin' album. It is obviously recorded in stereo which was sort of new in that time. You can hear how the mixing Engineer moved the rhythm guitar from left to right to left to right channels, early in the song. If you listen with headphones you'll really hear it!

So let's all work to find people to share some love with. In the song it seems to be about romantic love, but there are several kinds of love. I'm talking about love for our fellow man. Even if they clap at different points in the speech than we do.


My Activity

today was not much during the day. I worked on the PEPE Game and made progress in getting the Gems feature implemented. We already have it at MetaRobots but there, you buy a Gem and you can use it over and over. On PEPE Game, the Gems are consumables. Use once and it's gone. So it's not a copy/paste of the same code, it needs modifications.

At night I did take my daily walk. It was 57 degrees out there! Very mild but rather windy. The white hoodie sufficed. I went longer than usual and got a pretty sweet number for me, 11K+.

Have a Nice Day, my friend! ❤️❤️❤️

Find somebody and share some love with them!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


Groovy song man! ☮️💖☺️

yes.. we should just love one another!

It says video not available 😔

Too bad I can't watch the video. It's not available on my end.

I think there is an error with the video
It can't be watched

The video isn’t available here as well
Is there any other way to share it with us?


Can't seem to access the video , 11k+ is such a huge number, keep on the good work !

Try one of the other videos of the same song on YouTube at

I'll do just that