Sooooo I don't know. I'll admit it. Maybe no one really knows. Maybe you think you see a pattern you think you saw before. You then think you can tell the future because the pattern is repeating.
Sorry, probably not. When it comes to crypto prices you're not going to do better than random chance. If yoo think you got it all figured out, then you don't know how young you are.
Thousands of years ago, wisdom literature told us it all comes down to chance. Being smart doesn't help. Thinking you're smart is maybe worse. Just know it's all random.
the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.
Or to put a psychedelic spin on it, enjoy this for 3 minutes.
HIVE is pumping!
We all know what that means! Except we probably don't. Anything can happen next.
But it looks nice for the moment. Live in the moment. Enjoy the moment. You have no idea what comes next.
My Activity
today was...
Hey friend, did you know that you MIGHT earn a tiny bit of crypto for writing about your day's activity? It's true. It might be true. It might not. It is for me, usually. But I don't take anything for granted. The history is on the blockchain but no one knows the future. What works/worked for me may not work for you. It's all random. No promises, sorry.
So ya, I had a medical test today. Then spent time talking to a loved one who has a birthday soon.
Then I took my daily nightly walk. Move it or lose it!
Did you know that lose is spelled lose and not loose? It sure as heck seems like it should be spelled loose. I think in the future it will be, because language changes over time, to whatever the consensus is. No one really speaks in King James English anymore, even though it sounds rather awesome.
Anywayyyy... My walk was kind if short. It was wanting to rain outside but all it could muster was a sloppy haze with tiny water particles that occasionally fell into the many puddles in the street. Not good atmosphere for breathing. SO I kept it short.
Besides, I wanted to come home and see what the price of HIVE was at!
Good Luck To Us All.
Maybe not.
Always remember,
Love Thy Neighbor. We're All Neighbors.
Have a Great Day!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
Even in the ups and downs it will be Hive all the way.
I’ll keep being here and stacking up till Hive gets to $3
I’ll be so glad
As far as hive prices are concerned I don't know where it will go but I bought some and will be powering up that soon. I am about to start DCA on hive and I think this will get me more hive at an average lower price
Fingers crossed for hive to go up more
You are damn right. When you think you know it all, time and changes will humble you😅
Would love to see Hive go up. Been waiting.