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RE: My Actifit Report Card: September 21 2022 - No R Movies For Religious People?

in Actifit2 years ago

Thanks for the comment and that's a good question! I guess maybe some religions want to be the only thing in people's lives that have anything to do with magic, because I think some religions seem to talk about magic and miracles in their holy book, and they want to be the authority on that topic. Or the religion thinks that watching a movie with magic in it could somehow open a person up to demonic forces.

In general I think people should get to know themselves and watch what they want to watch, knowing how they will likely react to it. If they watch something that makes them feel really bad or makes them feel like they want to do something bad, then hopefully they have enough self-control to not watch something similar in the future. Just my random thoughts in reply to your great comment! :)