Heya Hiva シ
Ready or not, here I come..
-> from a second attempt, and noticing something new!
Adventure afoot!
What a marvelous day of sunshine, Cape Town was once again blessed with. This, coupled with the fact that there was very little in the way of wind.. made for a wonderful day out!
I used the opportunity to once again traverse the remote and isolated path spanning much of the local wetlands and surrounding bush. I figure the more I bravely attempt that particular stretch (with vigilance).. the more acquainted I should become with its inherent challenges. This I hope will be of overall benefit for similar adventures going forward!
As I made my way across the rugged terrain.. I found yet another lone shoe. If you've been following my walks for some time, you'll know that this no longer surprizes me. After dusting off the sand, I collected it for later disposal.
Next up was a few scattered items.. one of which being an empty bottle of some sort of supplement. Not sure of the intended purpose.. though that doesn't change the fact that this now belongs in the bin.
I really don't like these disposable plastic tubs. You often see them down here in a deli. I don't know why all the supermarkets don't rather use that brown paper instead. I know of at least one that still does.. but certainly not all!
Where's the logic to put something so beautiful (i.e. strawberries from nature).. into an ugly plastic container. Yes, that's correct.. I really don't like plastic!
A sock with some other bits & pieces - one of which had to be untied from the bush.
I had to dig out this empty anti-perspirant from the loose sand, in which it had clearly been resting for some time.
Yes, it's a plastic bread bag. That being said.. the bread which it once contained is one of my favourites - honey and oats :)
From there on, I found some foil..
Then it was a glass jar, with lid nearby. Really stoked that it wasn't broken or I would have been picking up some nasty fragments.
A brown paper carrier bag from one of the local supermarkets. Happy that it was paper.. disappointed though that it was littering the environment.
The final item for the day was the bottom half of a 2 litre milk bottle. I found it near a side path, which I noticed in the remote section (towards the right, but on the left). Although I didn't go up (the side path that is).. my knowledge of the overall area is starting to grow rather nicely.
The bag of collected rubbish was taken to a local municipal bin - ready for collection. That was another wonderful walk!
Till next time,

Special thanks to @actifit and my 'eco-citizen' friends over at @cleanplanet , @cleanyourcity & @solarisfuture - stoked to be part of the solution, whilst getting fit in the process.
My gratitude as well to each and every awesome individual, kindly supporting me on this incredible adventure - seeing solutions to the challenges of our colourful world in black & white.
The writing in 'My Actifit & Clean Planet Adventure' is 100% original and that of my own. Inspiration is drawn from my surroundings - all whilst placing one foot in front of the other. For stylistic reasons, the greeting, farewell, image labels & footer may be repeated across posts - with the actual main body of content remaining entirely unique. Any accompanying photos were taken/edited by me. Others' logos used as permitted. Nothing should be construed as any form of advice. Practice due diligence. All Rights Reserved.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Height193 cm | ![]() | Weight79 kg | ![]() | Body Fat18.6 % | ![]() |
Waist92 cm | ![]() | Thighs54 cm | ![]() | Chest98 cm | ![]() |
You really have a passion for the environment! Have you always been this way?
Hi mate.. some of my earliest childhood memories revolved around picking up any litter I could see. Back then.. the pieces seemed a lot smaller, though. I'm guessing that perhaps they were - with the problem having seemingly become so much worse as the decades rolled by.
In terms of a passion for the environment.. well I have appreciated the wonder of nature for quite some time, but I don't think all my life. As a child (into early adulthood), I was always afraid of bugs in general. I also didn't focus enough on the terrible things which were happening to our planet. I never gave the issues the attention which they so deserved.
It was really following a major emotional breakdown, which I started paying closer attention (rightly so). Take care my friend.