City bike. My Actifit Report Card: July 30 2024

in Actifit8 months ago (edited)

I have rented a city bike and rode… for the first time in 10 years. I did 15km in one hour. Great I could reach further than by walking. Not so great that cycling “steps” don’t compare to walking. One hour on the bike was 363 kcal while one hour of walking at good pace is only slightly higher. But steps were a disaster (my steps are measured by a FitBit watch). I defined a biking trip in the app, but it only earned me about 3000 steps. In comparison, one hour of walking typically equals 6500 steps.

To save the day in @macfit Olympics (playing tennis doubles, paired with @mushanov and against @erikklok / @svanbo), I left the rented bike at my destination station and returned home on foot. Hope that ~25k steps is enough to get us into the semifinals. If we did, @itz.inno would be happy to know that his effort last Saturday had not been in vain.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Cycling,Walking
Still, I haven’t achieved the goal in @poprzeczka. That means that @racibo and @sk1920 will decide the July title between themselves. For either of them it would be their first. Congrats!


Nice job! Based on my activity, I give you a high chance of winning this one...

we need to wait for @mushanov and @svanbo
