How you handle yourself if you're feeling sad and lonely?
This is the question that I asked from Melwin. Melwin is one of my good friends in Discord. That I can rely on when things get tough and rough.
Told him about my condition. That I have panic, anxiety and agoraphobia. But he enlightened me with his beautiful answer and I vastly think. He open my eyes to see that there are so much things to do. So much more to learn.
Our mind is stronger and more capable than what we think it to be...feed it , sharpen it , make it powerful and impenetrable.
It's your battle alone ..situations and conditions maybe against you, you'll he lonely, there will lack of company, sympathy, money.
It's a lonely battle.
Stop dwelling on your feelings and emotions.
Look after your spirit. Pray . Spend time reading about saints.
Look after your body. Go for a run. Do some exercise. Burn some fat. Build some muscle.
Give yourself some leisure. Have a beer or wine. Treat yourself with ice cream or some delicacy.
Sleep when you sleep. Be busy when you're awake.
Grow in goodness, faith and holiness.
Yes, this is my never ending battle. But I am hoping one day, that I can overcome this kind of mental illness. It's never been easy in this shoe, it's never late enough to try and do.