Postcards from Thailand #67: Easy Life...

in Actifit8 days ago

It’s been a slightly quieter week this week as the schools on the island had their half-term breaks. It hardly seems a minute since it was Christmas but yet here we are, barrelling our way through February. I’m sure it wasn’t like this when I was a schoolkid, desperately counting the days until the holidays came around once more. Anyway, with many of our kids being away, it was another opportunity to catch up with a few jobs around the house.

First-up was my driveway which I started last year before getting waylaid by the weather, the Christmas holidays and general higher priority chores. I got another cubic metre of stones and used them to fill in a few dips where the ground had settled and to extend back another couple of metres. That was another afternoon's hard graft to get them all levelled as this time, I just had
the load dumped roughly where I needed them which would have blocked the parking if I hadn’t got the job finished. It looks OK, but I might order another metre to extend a little further. Jury’s out for now though.

I sealed and repainted some of the soffits where We’d had some water ingression that had peeled the paint from the plasterboard. Yes, you read that right, plasterboard soffits. That’s how it's done here but to be fair, its ‘special’ plasterboard for external use. Still sounds rather odd, though. Scraped off the old paint before sealing and then repainting with undercoat
followed by three topcoats, so far! I’m not posting a picture as it could still do with another couple of coats. The paint I used isn’t the exact match to the original matt ceiling paint and its taking some covering to get a good match. Another never-ending ‘small’ job.

I also sealed and regrouted the balcony that sits above those soffits. Scraped out the old grout, regrouted and then sealed the lot with a matt polyurethane. It’s not worked out badly but looks a little dull. No one sees it except us and keeping the water out is the only thing that matters. Grey tiles and black grout looked good for a few days, but the grout colour soon fades and the tiles never look clean. Lesson learnt!

Grey tiles and black grout. Bad idea. This is how they look after just 3 years.

At least it was an excuse to buy a shiny new bendy ladder. Maximum load is quoted at 120 Kg but I’m glad I’m not getting anywhere close to that as a slim and svelte fella of 83kg. It’s very versatile, though, even being able to become a metre-high platform if needed. All the way from China and under sixty quid. Perhaps not the words you want to hear being used to describe a ladder! At the grand old age of 58, my days of climbing ladders ought to be long behind me.

Except they’re not!

That was the week that was. The joys of living on a tropical, paradise island. Endless days of DIY and screaming kids. Just what I signed up for! I shouldn’t complain. If I wasn’t fanying around outside trying to look busy, she’d only have me inside finding me things to do!

I hope everyone is having a healthy and happy weekend and fully refreshed for the upcoming week.

Best wishes to all and thanks for dropping by.



This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gardening, Home Improvement, House Chores
PS Anyone know why I can't post portrait format in the @actifit app? Thank you.


The driveway looks nice! Just curious, how do you prevent grass from growing there? Or do they stop growing just cos it's covered by enough rocks? There is a tiny lawn outside with rocks too but grass always grow there. Always annoys me to have to maintain it even though it's already covered in rocks lol.

Haha I also wanted to buy a step ladder just 2 weeks ago! The ceiling in the living room is too high and we need to change the light so we badly need it... I've thought maybe we can use it in the future as well but tbh I don't think there is much use for us since we don't have our own house yet and we won't need it anytime soon.

Having your own equipment is so fulfilling haha. When I got a drill and a power washer it gave me so much joy LOL and I want in the future to have my own garage with the tools needed around the house since I really don't like calling some stranger to do the job!

Thank you and you're very astute! I was going to do a proper job with landscape fabric and edges but was lazy and preferred it more natural. The grass had mostly died off anyway because of the cars that come to the clinic but any tufts that have come through, I spray with a mix of white vinegar, salt and couple of drops of washing up liquid.

Cutting isn't an option as I've already put a stone through the patio window using the petrol trimmer thingy!

It's great buying all the gear...not so great actually using it lol

You two take care and have fun, I can feel pressure washer envy sweeping over me. Time to fire up Shopee app lol

That's how it looked. Every time it rained, half my garden got washed down the road!

I spray with a mix of white vinegar, salt and couple of drops of washing up liquid.

Aha! I should try this too. I didn't want to use harsh chemicals as the pets go there too so this sounds like a good option.

LOL it's so nice to use it in the beginning, then you kinda lose interest. But it gives you a peace of mind that whenever you need it, it will be there.

Maybe wait for 3.3 on Shopee, such great deals haha.

Yeah it's such a good decision you did that. That is so annoying everytime it rains especially when there's also mini puddles lol

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Hi - nice to know you are in Thailand too - what island do you live on? - I currently live in Pattaya with my family.

Hi mate! Thank you and likewise. I'm on Ko Samui. My wife and I lived in Bangkok for 12 years before moved down here 2 years ago. All her family are from Samui and her parents are getting older so we thought we ought to return!

I understand you. Samui is said to be a very picturesque island - I haven't been there, but I'm planning to visit in November. If I go, I'll ask you before the trip what places are worth visiting and what part of the island is best to stay in - nice to meet you! ✌️



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