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RE: Postcards from Thailand #48: The Wall Part 2

in Actifitlast year

Good morning :-)

This wall was finished yesterday. The house was 'finished' 18 months ago and after the nightmare we had during the build, it's taken this long to dare get some new builders to finish a few odd jobs that needed doing!

Nathen is a nickname I was given many years ago and you're absolutely correct, it was spelt wrong lol No one even calls me that anymore but I always kind of liked it.

My real name is Martin and its a pleasure to meet you :-)

Hope you're feeling better. Everyone I know has been struck down with colds, flus and viruses recently and even here, the weather is all over the place. I believe its due to El Nino so I hope it settles soon as we still have water shortages here on Koh Samui whilst up North in Bangkok, there are floods.

New week approaching and as I stare into my crystal ball, I can see you having a wonderful week. Seeing into the future is a talent I don't brag about too much lol ;-)

Take care of YOU, lady :-)


Wtf!! You're an imposter? And you're not called Nathen? Going to send this to the Sunday press now...

Front page, I just got mine delivered to the door. They missed, by the way, chucked it from the street and it bounced off the patio, fell in the damp grass and got soaked. All the pages stuck together but the cover's still legible.

He's Martin in Nathen's clothing.

When you're joining unknown scary social media and crypto blockchain shenanigans for the first time, who's going to give their real name? Lol
At least its an actual name...albeit spelt incorrectly..... 😉