20KG Decline Dumbbell Press | Talk About Metric System's Effect on Lifting

in Actifit2 months ago (edited)

Most of the workout videos out on the net are made by Americans and you know they use Pounds (lbs) and not KG (kilogram).

By the way "lbs" is supposed to mean "loads of bullshit" and not "pounds" cos how tf does "lbs" relate to pounds?

_Trevor Noah

And so because they use Pounds when they talk about the weight they lift it's in pounds, but 1kg is equal to 2.2lbs, so anytime I convert it to KG I always feel like these guys are lifting lightweight for real.

In countries where KGs are being used you find yourself lifting heavier weights without realizing it. When the weight you're lifting says "45" you're scared to lift it more than you'll be scared to lift it if it said "20". Even though the 20 is KG and the 45 is Pounds.

Here is a video of me lifting 20kg, it's actually nothing to me, and this was not even a good day 🌚.

The End

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It's interesting how the unit of measurement can impact our perception of weight. Lifting 20kg might feel effortless in one system but intimidating in another. Perspective truly shapes our limits! Happy prosperous New Year!!

Happy New Year to you too!

Yeah, the whole pounds, lbs thing is usually confusing to me. But I guess as a workout pro, the stakes are even higher. Happy New Year, @nevies 🥰

Happy New Year to you too, @jhymi 🤗😘