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RE: My Actifit Report Card: February 19 2021

in Actifit4 years ago

Yeah one of the biggest regrets to me is not to be able to see the developments in the next 100 years. I feel there is life out there. The issue is that the universe is just simply so large it is hard to get anywhere lol. Of course as Hawking said perhaps it is better if we are not discovered:

He said one day we might receive a signal back from a planet like Gliese 832c.

“We should be wary of answering back,” he said. “Meeting an advanced civilization could be like Native Americans encountering Columbus — that didn’t turn out so well.”

Interesting thoughts. I enjoy thinking about it all the time.


I think that if we get over our economic, social and environmental issues, many of us will have a good chance to see the next hundred years or more. Technology keeps advancing on many fronts and there have been a lot of advancements in our understanding of the causes of aging.

I think we will have to become "nice people" as a global community if we have any chance of continued survival. Any advanced civilization that goes beyond our present technology will probably need to become "nice people" too. Thus I'm not particularly worried about any encounter with them.

Yes I see your point. Either we become nice or we self destruct I suppose. I hope mankind can do. I am not sure if we can though.