in Actifit3 years ago


Yup...I spaced out again, right? I know I promised to be consistent with cataloguing my runs but I didn't feel like lying. I haven't exercised for a couple of days.

Yeah, yeah...I know...I know...I know that consistency helps build one’s capacity but the body has been unwilling since Sunday. And I have a perfectly reasonable explanation...or excuse?

The last time I exercised was the speed walk I so gladly talked about and quite frankly I like how I combined it with jogging that Saturday morning but since then I haven't had the strength to go for those morning runs. Trust me, it wasn't the speed walks or jogging that got me tired but my old nemesis... alcohol. I honestly had a drunk weekend.

Saturday evening I had a drink(not necessarily one drink) with a couple friends and it affected me Sunday morning. Sunday evening a had a whole lot of drinking cos it was my sister's birthday and it seemed like a good time to let loose and that affected Monday morning. A friend I desperately needed to see met with me on Monday evening and guess what? I was reunited with the bottom of a bottle and I couldn't jog on Tuesday.


Well amidst all the calls to hangout on Tuesday I was resolute not to let my shortcomings overpower me yet again. “Affliction shall not rise a second time” hahahaha.

The thing is alcohol had such a bad aftereffect on my body. I enjoy the moment and am the life of the party but the mornings are not so pleasant. I don't mean hangover, far from it. I'm often extremely weak in the mornings and flatulent even if I hadn't eaten anything for 2 days. And the procrastinator’s voice in my head always seems to have a very convincing argument.

So that's why I haven't exercised since Sunday. But I did today and just to prove to myself that I could do much more if I set my mind to it...I went an extra lap and wasn’t even really tired.


I can do this.



Health is the root of all happiness.
Good article ❣️

Yeah, alcohol will do that to you, been there and done that one. You'll slow that down I suspect one day, it took me quite a while and a visit to the bars in the local lockup hotel.
That helped, I got stuck in there with some guy who was wild eyed, wired, and gonna kill his ol' lady when he found her hahahahahaha, he was wacked out pretty bad. At the time it was no fun, but I admit the cop who set me up actually did me a favor, I quit drinking a little after that. Okay, so I hope you go out and go for a nice walk/jog later. I just realized that your post is on the payout, so I'll upvote the next one you write.I thought that said "a nap for you" @piratethanos hahahahahaha!

Thanks so much @jamerussell. I honestly laughed when you said wild eyed. The picture in my head was just something else.

It's good you were able to kick drinking. I myself don't drink much, it's just that I went on a streak that period. I usually only drink at gatherings and with family, which isn't very often since my work takes my entire time.

Thanks again