My Actifit Report Card: February 11 2021 ~ Giving Vaccine Shot, Visiting My Patients, and Observe My Employes Doing Hand Sorting of Green Coffee

in Actifit4 years ago

Not much work to do today. In the morning I am doing Covid-19 vaccine shot to our hospital staffs. Vaccination is one of the way to fight Covid-19. The vaccine is free for health workers throughout our country. Our hospital staff is about 500 persons, including specialist doctors.

I gave about 20 shots for my staffs of Internal Medicine wards. It’s good to have vaccine.

At the afternoon, I finished my work in our hospital. I’ve also visited my patients at wards.

**Hand Sorting of Green Coffee
At night, I observed my employes sorting green coffee. I have a small coffee company, that supply local consumption. We produce roasted beans and grounded coffee.

Hand sorted coffee is a good quality coffee as almost all defective coffee are removed. We could sort the coffee carefully. These are some defective green beans.

And these are the coffee after being hand sorted.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity,Walking


amazing look like you did a lot of work for humanity

Yes. I work for treating patients :)

Selalu dalam Aktifitas dan menjga Kesehatan, dan Yaa Faksin sudah saatnya disuntik bagi seluruh Masyarakat

Ya. Bagaimanapun, Vaksin adalah salah satu iktiar melawan covid-19