The weekend is almost over. It was nice and relaxing, but tomorrow is the start of a new week. It is back to work. I get up around seven thirty in the morning and make a coffee for my wife. She likes it with three spoons of ground coffee and one spoon of sugar. I pour a cup of water that is preheated in our tea dispenser. After a few years of doing it, I don't need to measure it. I let it steep in a French press before I pour it out into a cup.
I usually skip breakfast and don't eat anything until noon. I follow an intermittent fasting schedule. I eat between noon and eight in the evening, basically an eight hour eating window.
Then work day starts, for me, it means starting at eight in the morning with a bunch of Microsoft Teams meetings at work. Then, I work on our solution in the Visual Studio. Usually, a few more meetings come up before noon.
At noon I have lunch with my wife and we try to fit in a small walk. Then, it is back to work and online meetings. This has been my routine since 2020 when Covid started, and we went fully remote.
We never returned to the office, even for a hybrid schedule. All of this is about to change. This week, I will likely find out how my job will change and who I will be reporting to.
I am going to be commuting to Seattle once a week to start, and later in a year, we are going back to the office at least three times a week.
That means back into the traffic, and it takes at least an hour each way. The traffic might have gotten worse...
I'm not looking forward to that... I really like the efficiency of fully remote work and being able to see my wife during the day.
Yesterday, I got over twelve thousand steps, it was a great day for my Actifit steps.
P.S. images in this post were taken by me during the Seattle Lantern Festival, where my wife invited me before we were married.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
I hope the new work schedule works out for you my friend!
Traffic in Seattle is the worst.....
We love to visit our son and his wife in North Bend, but I dread the crazy drivers and the traffic!!🙄
Yes, traffic is bad and will get even worse with thousands of us starting to commute for the first time in 5 years...
Not good for you, and not good for us commuting down to Seattle as well, my friend….. stay safe in the crazy traffic!😇