“There’s No Place Like Home!” 😊 My Actifit Report Card: November 6 2024

in Actifit3 months ago

“There’s no place like home!” 😇
Some days you just want to be close to home………………
Today was one of those days!😊
With the U.S. elections finally behind us, it was nice to just step outside my front door, forget about all the “noise”, and enjoy today’s hike!🤗
Nowhere special to go, I headed up our old logging road, and let my feet decide today’s direction!😇
From forested trails, onward through open meadows I hiked.
I wanted to see some of the late vibrant Fall colors…………
I took a trail off to the East………
I was headed to my Canadian neighbors off grid cabin.
I wasn’t disappointed, Grant has a gorgeous Larch.😊
If you aren’t familiar with this tree, it is classified as a deciduous conifer.
Deciduous in that it loses its needles in the fall, like trees with leaves.
Conifer because it is a cone bearing tree with needles like a pine tree!
It turns out the this tree is native to the Northwest. It can reach a height of 75 foot, and live between 180 and 250 years!😊
They are one of the last trees to “Turn” and produce a brilliant yellow gold color in the Fall!🤗
Check out Grants Larch in my photos!
This one is just starting to “turn”, from the top downward, the beautiful color begins!😊
After all the needles have fallen, this tree looks like it is dead.
Sadly many people have mistakenly cut down mature Larches, thinking they were dead trees!🙄
In the Spring they can also be a “Late Bloomer” and this adds to the possible confusion!😮
This tree is on Grants land, so it will continue to add Fall colors to the forest for many years to come!🤗
“ Put away that chainsaw man, just enjoy a day in the forest……..Silvertop is!😎
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Hiking, House Chores


The tree with the red leaves is beautiful too! Not long before all leaves are on the ground, today is one of the first cold days in The Netherlands, winter is coming!

Bitcoin is doing well after the elections! 😀

Sounds like winter is on its way in Netherlands!🥶
Bitcoin, certainly is doing very well my friend… Stack on !👍🤗

That's a really tall tree you are referring to, what an impressive amount of years it can last, let's hope it stays there that long.

It's fortunate that you can have such beautiful trails at the foot of your house, yesterday was certainly a day to necessarily clear your mind.

I have friends that have to drive 30 minutes to hiking trails…
Is so nice to have them just outside our door !👍😊

The beauty of the colors that nature gives us is incredible and thank you for your lesson on the environment in which you thrive.


It is always interesting how nature can be so diversified!😊


Great job getting over 10k steps once again! My dream growing up as a child in Ukraine was to live in a forest basically like in these pictures you have posted.

You have so many beautiful Parks and forest near Seattle!😊
Our son lives in North Bend, he has taken us on some awesome hikes!😊

oh yeah, you had an election. glad it ended safely

So now we can finally get back to normal my friend!🤗😊

i really hope so.