Grow Little Trees! 🤗
Finally, the day had arrived! It was time to pull out my shovel and start planting some trees!😊
I organized several buckets…………
Topsoil check!
Mulch check!
Baby trees…………….
I had my work cut out for me today!😅
That’s when it started raining……………..
I pulled my sweatshirt hood over my head……..
Within minutes, the rain stopped, and it started snowing, then “Corn snow” a type of small hail!😳
“Silvertop why don’t you come back inside!”🥰
I had just started………..🤔
I was determined to plant at least a few trees today!😇
Then as quickly as the the storm arrived, it was over, and the Sun was back!😎
Four insulated layers of clothing, became three, then two, and I soon found myself digging holes in just a t shirt!☺️
Take a look at the photo just before the one taken of my expertly dug hole Lol!😇
Off in the distance, in the valley below, you can see a field planted with baby Doulas Fir seeding trees!
Silvertop is only planting 29 trees this year. A pittance compared to Westergreens tree nursery far below, but we are all on the same “page”!😊
Spring tree planting!
“Cot…. Come outside and help Dad plant some trees son!”😇
He had assumed the “position” on “HIS” warm waterbed, he wasn’t moving!😻
“Liz I don’t think Cot is even asleep, he’s just ignoring Dad Lol!🤣
He’s a smart boy Silvertop, what were you just taking about Lol!”😇🥰
Till tomorrow, and more tree plantings Silvertop Mike 😊
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Grow Little Trees! 🤗 My Actifit Report Card: March 17 2025
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It's good to replenish trees and add more. Kind of like recycling when the old trees die. Nice! You're like Johnny Appleseed, only Johnny Pine Tree!🤗☘💜
Wooow. The tree planting already. Am excited to read through this and I loved your resilience in planting despite the weather. Well, nature was in support of you mad turned quickly to back you up.
29 trees for the year? That’s awesome. I love the sound of that. Well though our plan. I can’t wait to see them trees growing already. Weldone with the good job 👏 👏
Spring time is a wonderful time of year!😊
Some of these trees will grow 100 to 200 feet tall!🤗
wooow that’s super impressive
Cool! 29 trees is quite a bit! Where did you find the baby trees to plant?
My neighbor just picked up several hundred trees as well!😊
This is a local tree sale, by Watcom County conservation. These trees go for a dollar or 2 each, way below the normal retail price. The day of the tree sale it was pouring rain. My neighbor said the line of people waiting to buy trees, wrapped around the outside of the building hundreds of feet long!😊