I’m Pushing The Button…Man!🐸 My Actifit Report Card: March 18 2025

in Actifit5 days ago (edited)

I’m Pushing The Button…..Man!🐸
“ Uhhh…… PEPE, how much Bitcoin did you just Buy?”🤣
“Silbertop, go BIG, or da go home! I buy a Million Sat’s………PEPE rich Frog!”🐸
I guess I will let PEPE figure out for himself that a Million Bitcoin Sat’s is only about $830 dollars!☺️

I guess the best way to describe the weather, AND the Crypto markets is “Unsettled”!😮
Back home, Adam my Beekeeper neighbor, has been slowly unwrapping his Bee hives gradually as the weather conditions gradually improve!🐝
I stepped closer to the VERY active Bee hives to try and get an up close and personal photo………….
Dozens of Bees came out to greet Silvertop!😇
If you remember my last post about “Bees” you will probably remember that Silvertop is severely allergic to Bee stings!😳
I have to ask….. Who would really want to be stung, even if they aren’t allergic Lol!😇🤣
The Mrs has an amazing camera on her iPhone! You can snap photos from a far distance and it looks like you are standing right next to your subject!🥰
Silvertop’s iPhone camera needs to be very close to capture the same photo……
More Bees came out to greet me, I stepped slowly backwards !😮
Liz was back at home, perhaps she should have leant her sweet hubby her iPhone for today’s Bee photo shoot Lol!🥰
“PEPE, it’s always best to be calm and patient, and think things through before making quick decisions you might regret ”!
“Silbertop, dis good advice fer Bees, and Bitcoin…….Man!”🐸
“That it is my green friend!”
Till tomorrow Silvertop Mike 😊

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Hiking, House Chores


You don't want those bees being too friendly! Living in the southwest I've had some nice Africanized bee colonies at properties I worked or lived. They are really aggressive little buggers! Great shots you picked up and some excellent mileage. You could eat two pizzas a night and never gain an ounce!

BTC is on sale, now is the time to take advantage!

I think I read somewhere that the African bees are heading up this way. I don’t know if any have been documented. I have heard they are nasty!🙄