Posted late because I was out of RC ..that hasnt happened in a while :)
Anyways, Yesterday just didn't go well for my Actifit report. In the morning I went for my usual walk but I suppose I didn't have the app open so I didn't get any steps.
In the evening I could only take my dog out for a very short walk because of a brutal migraine which meant that even the light from my cellphone caused searing pain.
Result: No report from yesterday. However, I did get some pictures.
The first is the row of cherry trees that I start my morning walk with. You can see them up above. It will be nice when they finally bloom.
I can tell they are getting close because I can see the flower buds.
I can even see the leaf buds.
But everything is still in early stages.
I also took a picture of the raindrops on the puddles just because I thought it looked nice.
The down side of that is the 10 day forecast says that there will be rain everyday for the next 10 days. Don't expect any nice pretty sunny pictures from me for a while.
Lots of puddles like these I suppose.
But at least it makes the grass by the pathways green.
Don't think tennis would be much fun now though
Regardless, I got out this morning for a dog walk. Got out this afternoon for a walk with my son. He's starting to discuss moving away from home in a year or so. I'm proud that I know he is ready but sad to think of him leaving.
I'll be going out with the dog later for his evening walk. I kind of want to get more steps before posting but then again I don't want to miss posting two days in a row so figure I better get it done now.
.... one unexpected benefit from not walking yesterday because of migraine. For the first morning in MONTHS my feet didn't hurt when I started walking today.
That may not seem like much but all those steps I've been doing have taken their toll on my heel. Actually taking a half day break seems to have been a good thing.
Who know?
Anyways, thanks for reading.
Until tomorrow
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on
I'm very glad your feet stopped hurting, it's difficult to get steps when you were in pain...
Looks like you were in the rainy season as well, lovely photos, and awesome 18 K @actifit steps!!😄