Another wet rainy day, but got a small break of sunshine! My Actifit Report Card: April 11 2023

in Actifit2 years ago

As always my day started out with getting up early and walking the dog. Nothing special there.

Get home and get my son ready to go to school.

Followed by a few chores in the house and then started working on taxes. Now, normally I'm good with taxes. Other people's taxes I can finish very quickly. However, with rental property, Interest income, Dividend income, Cryptocurrency trading income and lots of other paperwork it takes me FOREVER. Today I got it almost complete though, HORRAY!. Then again, it took almost 5 hours :( Boo.

After that I really needed to go for a walk to clear my head and I really didn't want to make dinner.

I checked out the Too Good to Go app and found a deal on Pizza. Off to get pizza for my son I went.

Never been in this pizza place before but it didn't look bad.

and for $5.99 CAD I think I got a pretty good deal.

Then again, its not exactly in the best part of town.

The bars on the church door are a bit of a

The plywood on the window and the razor wire in the back alley are also kind of a giveaway.

As I'm walking home I thought I would take a picture of my son's school.

Which also has one of the cities libraries attached to it.

Unfortunately his school has the unfortunate nickname of "Stabby Senior" (Instead of Abby Senior--we live in Abbotsford) because a person with mental issues went into the library and stabbed a student to death a few years ago.

As I said, not the best neighborhood.

Going a little further I'm back in Mill Lake Park where I take most my pictures.

Here is the Abbotsford Art Gallery.

unfortunately if you look closely you'll see a homeless person's shopping cart beside the home as a number of homeless people sleep on the back porch of the house.

However, it looks really pretty at nighttime (when I was walking the dog again).

and overall I had a good day from start to finish.

Anyways, I didn't want anyone to think that I would only take pictures of the pretty stuff. I love my town and I think its awesome but it also has its problems and I don't want to gloss those over to anyone who might be reading my blog.

Thanks for reading,

Until tomorrow!

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

