On 23 January 1941, Dumbo, an animated film produced by Walt Disney, was released. It tells the adventures of a small elephant, recently born in a travelling circus, who has the peculiarity of having very big ears. This fact provokes the mockery and rejection of the other elephants and the public. However, Dumbo, with the help of a mouse who befriends him, discovers that thanks to his enormous ears he has the ability to fly, a unique quality that distinguishes him from the rest.
Dumbo was produced after the great economic failure of "Fantasia", so its budget was very small and its duration barely exceeded 60 minutes. It was shot very quickly, which meant that the quality of the drawings and backgrounds was inferior to that of the company's other films. Despite its simplicity, Dumbo was a great commercial success and allowed the company to recover financially from its delicate situation.
Dumbo is a very emotional film that managed to move the audience. Its soundtrack is exceptional and won a multitude of awards. With the passing of the years, it achieved well-deserved critical acclaim despite not being one of Walt Disney's best works.
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