My Actifit Report Card: August 25 2023

in Actifit2 years ago

Hello everyone, I'm glas that I'm able to updated my today's activity 😍 .

As you can see I have my ball as a model because this day is indeed extravagant because we're able to play volleyball.

Volleyball is one of my favorite and so I'm really hype everytime we play. Since we cannot go to the gym or covered court we have our DIY court in the rice field. Since the rain poured hard last night the field is muddy and so we need to pull out some grasses to fill in the muddy area with the grass to avoid any accidents while playing.I took a picture of them while helping each other to do the task

I'm happy that aside from being a good player they develop the attitude of being responsible and helpful .Not everyone could follow the instructions but since they like to play the volleyball they must secure the safety of the area for their own good .
After playing volleyball I told my brother to get some coconuts for our snacks .

We forget to bring a bolo so I used a knife in opening the coconut, it's hard but I'm determined to eat and holah I opened it

After we eat coconut I went to the washing area to pamper my motorcycle because we'll be going to Aklan tomorrow.

See you on my next blog🤍
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Scootering, Volleyball
