Hi Dan!
It's been really wonderful to get to know you over the years. Internally you have a lot of strength and resolve my friend! And I am grateful that you have taken the time to share your steps AND ALSO your internal battles with all of us on the blockchain.
I believe that journaling is a fantastic way to manifest the super power of mindfulness! You got that for sure and I have learned so much about myself as I read about the little daily things you do and think about on your step journeys.
If your anything like me... getting up early in the morning to get an #AutomaticWin is the very best way to bring mindfulness into ones life.
So thank you for being willing to do that!
You have a record amount of #AutomaticWin's as well which is pretty AMAZING!
Keep on stepping in the free world my friend!
P.S. I have an announcement coming out later today about @AdventureReady, @BeachReady, and the #Win, #AutomaticWin, and #miniCHALLENGE health & fitness initiatives. I'll be posting the notification directly to your latest @Actifit Report. Just an FYI.