Most cryptocurrencies experienced sharp increases in the period 16-20 August 2020, including Hive which had hit prices above IDR 5,000 per coin. On the Indodax exchange, about 90 percent of the 90 types of cryptocurrencies that are in the green lane or up. Only a few are on the red line, even that is not very significant. The scenery on several other exchanges is not much different.
What should be done in such a situation? As in stock trading, when there is a profit we should take a sell position. Remember, even if it goes up there is not necessarily a profit. It could be that, even though we have experienced a significant increase, we have not yet experienced a profit because the purchase price is below the current price.
In such conditions, it is better to hold back until there is profit. Or if you have taken a sell position, make sure it is well above the purchase price.
There is a mathematical calculation in measuring profits, deducted by fees for exchangers and taxes. The amount of deduction is different for each exchanger. For example, at Indodax, a minimum deduction of IDR 25,000 for certain amounts of withdrawal. The higher the draw the greater the cut. Likewise with the sales and purchase fees.
On Binance, the average cut was only IDR 6,500. However, currently the withdrawal in the form of rupiah is in trouble, reportedly being hindered by regulations resulting in suspense. Each exchange has advantages and disadvantages.
So, when should you buy cryptocurrency?
That question has often been asked. But still people take the wrong "buy" or "sell" position when the price goes up. This is not only a problem with no knowledge, but rather a psychological problem. Sometimes, a trader is psychologically influenced to collect (read: buy) a cryptocurrency that is experiencing an increase, even though fundamentally the value of the cryptocurrency is low.
Basic knowledge of a cryptocurrency that is purchased must be there, although sometimes it cannot be separated from speculation and that is the fun part of trading digital assets. Basic knowledge, for example, the value of market capitalization, the assets they own, the relationship with financial institutions and payment systems, the value of trading in recent days, and so on.
To find out that information is very easy. Some sites provide this information, as well as in exchangers. If you are lazy to follow developments from various sources due to other activities, you can seek information in the community. that's the importance of community!
After experiencing increases within a few days, since August 22, Indonesian time, most cryptocurrencies fell sharply. Of the 90 types of cryptocurrencies in Indodax, only 10 are on the green line (monitoring at 9:10 WIB). A good time to buy.***
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Kapan Baiknya Membeli Cyptocurrency?
Sebagian besar cryptocurrency mengalami kenaikan tajam pada periode 16 – 20 Agustus 2020, termasuk Hive yang sempat mencapai harga di atas Rp5.000 per koin. Di exchange Indodax, sekitar 90 persen dari 90 jenis cryptocurrency yang ada dalam jalur hijau atau naik. Hanya beberapa yang berada di jalur merah, itu pun tidak terlalu signifikan. Pemandangan di beberapa exchange lain tak jauh beda.
Apa yang harus dilakukan pada situasi seperti itu? Seperti dalam perdagangan saham, seharusnya ketika ada profit kita mengambil posisi jual. Ingat, meski naik belum tentu ada profit. Bisa jadi, meski sudah mengalami kenaikan signifikan, kita belum mengalami profit karena harga beli di bawah harga saat ini.
Dalam kondisi demikian, baiknya menahan dulu sampai ada profit. Atau kalau sudah mengambil posisi jual, pastikan jauh di atas harga beli. Ada penghitungan matematis dalam mengukur keuntungan, dipotong dengan fee bagi exchanger dan pajak. Jumlah pemotongan berbeda dalam setiap exchanger. Misalnya, di Indodax, minimal pemotongan Rp25.000 untuk penarikan dalam jumlah tertentu. Semakin tinggi penarikan semakin besar pemotongan. Demikian juga dengan fee penjualan dan pembelian.
Sedangkan di Binance, rata-rata pemotongan hanya Rp6.500. Tapi, sekarang ini penarikan dalam bentuk rupiah sedang bermasalah, kabarnya terhalang regulasi sehingga ada suspense. Setiap exchange memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan.
Jadi, kapan sebaiknya membeli cyptocurrency?
Pertanyaan itu sudah sering ditanyakan. Tapi tetap saja orang salah mengambil posisi “beli” atau “jual” ketika harga naik. Ini bukan saja masalah belum ada pengetahuan, tapi lebih kepada masalah psikologis. Terkadang, seorang trader terpengaruh secara psikologis untuk mengoleksi (baca: membeli) cryptocurrency yang sedang mengalami kenaikan, meski secara fundamental nilai cryptocurrency itu rendah.
Pengetahuan dasar tentang sebuah cryptocurrency yang dibeli harus ada, meski kadang tak lepas dari spekulasi dan itulah yang menyenangkan dari perdagangan aset digital. Pengetahuan dasar itu misalnya, nilai kapitalisasi pasar, aset yang mereka miliki, relasi dengan lembangan keuangan dan sistem pembayaran, nilai perdagangan dalam beberapa hari terakhir, dan sebagainya.
Untuk mengetahui informasi itu sangat mudah. Beberapa situs menyediakan informasi tersebut, demikian juga dalam exchanger. Kalau malas mengikuti perkembangan dari berbagai sumber karena kesibukan lain, bisa mencari informasi di komunitas. itulah pentingnya komunitas!
Setelah mengalami kenaikan dalam beberapa hari, sejak 22 Agustus waktu Indonesia, sebagian besar cryptocurrency turun tajam. Dari 90 jenis cryptocurrency yang ada di Indodax, hanya 10 jenis yang berada di jalur hijau (pantauan pukul 9:10 WIB). Saat yang tepat untuk membeli.***
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