Ah man, that was a quality read and listen and nostalgic throw back. The Young Ones!!! Classic telly, that was, they don't make em like that anymore! Genius..
I haven't seen Synth Britannia, but had a little ten minute taster, so it is book marked now for future listening/watching. I did listen to a great podcast recently all about Joy Division and New Order which was deadly - it's called Transmissions and I'd say it'd be right up your street.
Cracking array of songs from that era, all well up there in my estimation. Some other favourites from that Spotify Playlist - Just Can't Get enough, Tainted Love, Don't You Want Me, The Model, Master and Servant, Cars - they are all great though, what a cracking playlist. That'll get a whirl for my next long car journey.
That last tune of Mark Lanegan was very special - RIP. Another legend meets the maker.