CHICA DE DULCE MIRAR, una canción de mi autoría || GIRL OF SWEET LOOKING, a song of my authorship [ESP-ENG]

in Music3 years ago

Hola Comunidad, sean bienvenidos a mi blog, aquí AJ = ¡Merha!

Hello Community, welcome to my blog, here AJ = Merha!

El día de hoy les traigo uno de mis escritos personales, una canción, que a decir verdad aun no consigo el ritmo, pero sé que lo encontrare.

Today I bring you one of my personal writings, a song, that to tell you the truth I still can't get the rhythm, but I know I will find it.

Soy nueva en esta maravillosa plataforma, así como, en esta comunidad. Sin embargo, decidí arriesgarme y mostrar un poco de lo que soy y escribo a diario con ustedes. Espero que este primer post les guste y puedan darme sus recomendaciones o sugerencias.

I am new to this wonderful community, as well as, to this community. However, I decided to take a risk and show a little of what I am and write daily with you. I hope you like this first post and can give me your recommendations or suggestions.

¿De qué va la canción? Pues sigan leyendo.

What's the song about? Well, read on.


La canción es mía, fue escrita por mi hace unas cuantas semanas, la canción tomo como tema las inseguridades de una chica. Aunque también sobre las personas que están ahí para demostrar que no importa lo que crea el mundo de ti, esa persona maravillosa estará ahí para levantar tu mentón cuando estés mirando al suelo por el miedo de las criticas de personas negativas, el rechazo, personas que en un inicio no saben nada de ti, y tampoco se toman el tiempo a conocerte, porque para ellos no eres suficiente y linda solo enfocando sus ojos en la apariencia, no en lo que esta mas allá de ella. Decidiendo ella anhelar un hogar, un lugar seguro, donde ella sea aceptada, donde conoce a alguien que se fija en ella, y esta persona busca cambiar el pensamiento de ella acerca de lo que ella es, buscando que ella se acepte tal como es, por que a sus ojos es perfecta, aun si ella está rota. Decidido a buscar todas sus piezas como lo son las de un rompecabezas. Solo con el deseo de ver esa linda sonrisa ladina, y la dulce mirada de esos hermosos ojos color miel.

The song is mine, it was written by me a few weeks ago, the song took as a theme the insecurities of a girl. Although also about the people who are there to show that no matter what the world thinks of you, that wonderful person will be there to lift your chin when you are looking down at the ground for fear of criticism from negative people, rejection, people who at first do not know anything about you, and also don't take the time to get to know you, because for them you are not enough and pretty, focusing their eyes only on your only focusing their eyes on the appearance, not on what is beyond it. Deciding she longs for a home, a safe place, where she is accepted, where she meets someone who notices her, and this who takes notice of her, and this person seeks to change her thinking about who she is, seeking to she is, looking for her to accept herself as she is, because in his eyes she is perfect, even if she is broken. she is broken. Determined to look for all her pieces as they are the pieces of a puzzle. Only with the desire to see that beautiful smile and the sweet look of those beautiful honey-colored eyes. honey-colored eyes.

Canción: Chica de dulce mirar – Autor: AJ

Song: Chica de dulce mirar - Author: AJ

Me dices que eres insegura, que tienes miedo al mundo. Temes no ser aceptada. Pero aun cuando estás tan rota, brillas como una estrella. Ella tiene los ojos llenos de sueños junto a un corazón lleno de esperanza y su característica sonrisa ladina y su cabello despeinado tan juguetón lleno de rizos color chocolate.

Oh cariño solo miras al suelo, siempre cabizbaja. Porque no te crees bella. Sin saber que eres la estrella más brillante del cielo. Mírate en mis ojos, ve en ellos lo que eres para mí. Tan risueña, encantadora y con esa risa peculiar. Chica de dulce mirar, eres hermosa, oh si eres hermosa.

Ella solo quiere estar entre las nubes y volar entre ellas cual pájaro en libertad, sin temer a que la juzguen por algo que ella no es en verdad. No la conocen, y nadie se da el tiempo a apreciarla. Porque chica eres color en este mundo tan gris.

Tan pura y dulce para este lugar. Busca protección, solo un hogar. Ella solo quería ser ella, sólo quería ser algo especial, solo quería amor y nada más. Sin querer estar en su realidad. Porque no se cree suficiente. Oh cariño que equivocada estas...Eres tanto que no se cómo explicarlo.

Oh cariño solo miras al suelo, siempre cabizbaja. Porque no te crees bella. Sin saber que eres la estrella más brillante del cielo. Mírate en mis ojos, ve en ellos lo que eres para mí. Tan risueña, encantadora y con esa risa peculiar. Chica de dulce mirar, eres hermosa, oh si eres hermosa.

Y es que para ella era difícil, no había alguien que la comprendiese, la veían confusa y muy feliz pero sólo era una careta. Con cicatrices que ocultan un pasado y un par de alas rotas que esperaban un reparo, siempre acompañas de una sonrisa falsa cuando ella lo creía necesario, demostrando lo contrario a su sentir.

Oh cariño solo miras al suelo, siempre cabizbaja. Porque no te crees bella. Sin saber que eres la estrella más brillante del cielo. Mírate en mis ojos, ve en ellos lo que eres para mí. Tan risueña, encantadora y con esa risa peculiar. Chica de dulce mirar, eres hermosa, oh si eres hermosa.

Oh cariño solo deseo que te mires en mis ojos y veas en ellos, lo que tú eres para mí. Oh cariño déjame amarte y demostrarte la verdadera felicidad. Déjame juntar todas las piezas de tu rompecabezas y sonríe conmigo al ver tu reflejo. Levantare tu mentón de manera delicada y veras que haces estremecer al mundo con esa sonrisa tímida y ojos color miel.

Chica de dulce mirar, eres hermosa oh si eres hermosa.


You tell me you're insecure, you're afraid of the world. You're afraid of not being accepted. But Even when you're so broken, you shine like a star. She has eyes full of dreams Along with a heart full of hope and her trademark sly smile and her tousled hair so playfully and her tousled hair so playful with chocolate curls.

Oh honey you just stare at the ground, always crestfallen. Because you don't think you're beautiful. Not knowing that You're the brightest star in the sky. Look in my eyes, see in them what you are to me. you are to me. So smiling, charming and with that peculiar laugh. Sweet looking girl, you are beautiful, oh yes you are beautiful.

She just wants to be among the clouds and fly among them like a bird at liberty, without fear of being fear of being judged for something she's not really. They don't know her, and no one takes the time to appreciate her. Because girl you are color in this gray world.

So pure and sweet for this place. She seeks protection, just a home. She just wanted to be her, she just wanted to be something special, she just wanted love and nothing more. Not wanting to be in her reality. Because she doesn't think she's enough. Oh honey how wrong you are...You are so much that I don't know how to explain it.

Oh honey you just stare at the ground, always crestfallen. Because you don't think you're beautiful. Not knowing that You're the brightest star in the sky. Look in my eyes, see in them what you are for me. you are to me. So smiling, charming and with that peculiar laugh. Sweet looking girl, you are beautiful, oh yes you are beautiful.

And it was difficult for her, there was no one who understood her, they saw her confused and very happy, but it was only a mask. very happy but she was just a mask. With scars hiding a past and a pair of broken wings waiting for a repair. that were waiting for a repair, always accompanied by a false smile when she thought it was necessary, proving the opposite she thought it necessary, demonstrating the opposite of her feelings.

Oh honey you just look at the ground, always crestfallen. Because you don't think you're beautiful. Not knowing you're the brightest star in the sky. Look in my eyes, see in them what you are to me. So smiling, charming and with that peculiar laugh. Sweet looking girl, you're beautiful, oh yes you're beautiful.

Oh honey I just wish you'd look in my eyes and see in them, what you are to me. Oh honey let me love you and show you true happiness. Let me put all the pieces of your puzzle together and smile with me as I see your reflection. I'll lift your chin in a delicate and you'll see that you make the world shudder with that shy smile and honey-colored eyes.

Sweet looking girl, you are beautiful oh yes you are beautiful.

Texto traducido en DeepL/Text translated at DeepL

Imagen realizada en Canvas/Image made in Canvas


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