This song that I cover tells about a man who wants to show his sincerity and loyalty to his lover named "Rindiani". He asked his lover to also be serious in loving and maintaining their relationship. This song was popularized by a band from Malaysia, SLAM. Very popular in the 90s. I hope you like my cover version. thank you.
Lyrics “RINDIANI” - SLAM (Bahasa & English)
Pernahkah Aku sakiti hatimu?
**Ataukah prasangka **
**Menduakan cintaku Oh, kekasih? **
_Have you ever I hurt your heart? _
_Or is it prejudice? _
Ever I Cheated our love? Oh, sweetheart?
**Semuanya tiada kulakukan **
**Tapi mengapa engkau **
Tak pernah peduli?
_I didn't do everything _
But why are you Never care?
Mungkinkah semua ini 'kan terjadi?
**Padaku yang selalu menyayangi dirimu setulus hati **
**Biarlah rela aku menahan **
Demi keutuhan cinta kita berdua
_Could all of this happen? _
_To me who always loves you with all my heart _
_Let me be willing to hold _
For the sake of the integrity of our love
**Rindiani... Kekasihku sayang **
**Jangan pergi dari sisiku **
Rindiani.. Bunga hati sayang
**Maafkanlah kira kubersalah **
_Rindiani... my love dear _
_Don't go from my side _
Rindiani.. Dear heart flower I'm sorry, it I'm guilty
**Kuharapkan sucinya cintamu kepadaku **
**Kuharapkan hatimu hanya untuk diriku **
_I hope your pure love for me _
I hope your heart is only for me
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