Hello, how are you friends of #hive. I greet you with great affection. Once again I am with you with new musical content, this time with something different, urban, with a touch of pop and ballad. I tell you that I have never performed music that combines so many melodic elements and from the moment I heard this song, I loved its rhythm, its lyrics and melody, I think that as a singer I should learn and interpret different musical rhythms, as long as it is comfortable for me. vocal register and that is also a song, which I can connect with. Music has the power to transmit emotions and feelings to us; It makes us identify with its lyrics and melody regardless of the rhythm.
Vas a quedarte, es un hermoso tema me permite entonar un ritmo diferente con una letra que me transmite amor profundo, apesar de las dificultades y obstáculos puedan surgir, siempre seguir adelante, dispuestos siempre a luchar por esa amor. Este tema es interpretado por la cantante Española Aitana, fue lanzada el 6 de abril de 2018 como segundo secillo de su álbum debut, "Tráiler". Espero que le guste se les quiere
You're going to stay, it's a beautiful song that allows me to sing a different rhythm with lyrics that transmit deep love to me, despite the difficulties and obstacles that may arise, always move forward, always ready to fight for that love. This song is performed by the Spanish singer Aitana, it was released on April 6, 2018 as the second single from her debut album, "Trailer". I hope you like it, you love themHola que tal amigos de #hive. Les saludo con mucho cariño. Nuevamente estoy con ustedes con un nuevo contenido musical, esta vez con algo diferente, urbano, con un toque de pop y balada. Les cuento que nunca he interpretado música qu combine tanto elementos melódicos y desde el momento que escuché este tema, me encantó su ritmo, su letra y melodía, creo que como cantante debo aprender e interpretar diferentes ritmos musicales, siempre y cuando sea cómodo para mí registro vocal y que además sea una canción, la cual pueda conectarme. La música tiene el poder transmitirnos emociones, sentimientos; nos hace identificarnos con su letra y melodía sin importar el ritmo.
▶️ 3Speak
I love the music and your vocals sound beautiful too
thanks very much buddy. I'm glad you liked it
You have such a beautiful voice. I really enjoyed listening to you.
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thank you so much! for such nice comments. A hug
Gracias por el apoyo