I enjoyed this post very much!!! I really enjoyed it, the second and third artists fascinate me.
I've been following Christina Aguilera forever, she has an amazing voice. I love all her songs.
As for Christina Perri, wowww she fascinates me!!! I leave you my favourite song of hers, which marks a special moment in my life, she talks about love through time. That one that will be forever... yes it marks my life.
Many artists were present in my life, one of them Celine Dion, this song makes me have an incredible strength. I love all her songs!
Another artist that is more recent in time and her voice is .... super cool, just like Celine's, is Adele. I leave you one of my favourites!
Many artists were present at different times, in different ways.
What a great post! Thank you very, very much!
All great tracks and artists you've linked here, all of which I know well. I was excited to post this one this week and hoped a few would chime in with some great female artists, pleasingly many have.
Thanks for your input.
My pleasure, thank you!😀