I hope you are feeling great, today I want to show you a street artist that I got in the whales, you will see that we were sharing and talking, waiting for our food to be delivered (since we were in a hamburger stand), and suddenly a person comes up to us saying that he was a humorist street artist, that he knew how to rap and that he wanted to rap for us.
¿que tal?, espero que se encuentren excelentes, hoy les quiero mostrar a un artista callejero que me conseguí en las ballenas, verán que nosotros estábamos compartiendo y hablando, esperando que nos entregarán la comida ( ya que estábamos en un puestos de hamburguesas), y de repente se acerca una persona diciendo que el era un artista callejero humorista, que sabía rapear y que nos quería rapear.
We were anxious to see him rhyme, we accepted and waited for him to start and you will see that he surprised us and made us laugh a lot because he did it very well and he has that charisma, we really had a great time with him, the bad thing is that he did not say his stage name, although I hope to see him soon to ask him.
con ansias de verlo rimar aceptamos y esperamos a que empezará y verán que nos sorprendió y nos sacos muchas risas ya que lo hacía muy bien y tiene ese carisma, de verdad la pasamosuy bien con el, lo malo es que no dijo su nombre artístico, aunque espero verlo pronto para preguntarle.
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