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RE: Album Review: "A Blaze In The Northern Sky", by Darkthrone. - Review De Álbum: "A Blaze In The Northern Sky", por Darkthrone.

in Music2 years ago

Such a good album! My favourite Black Metal bands at the moment are Mgla & Mork, you should definitely give them a listen if you haven't already!


Thank you for the suggestion! I haven't heard of these, but I'll check them out definitely. My favorite at the moment is definitely Cosmic Church, they have such a different way of doing the more "modern" style of Black Metal, it's truly amazing art.

Oooh, you're in for a treat then! For Mork I'd recommend their album from last year called Katedralen. Mgla have one of the best drummers out there. Check out 'Exercises in Futility' & 'Age of Excuse'. Awesome! I'll make sure to give them a listen.