2023-09-25 21-39-04

in Musiclast year
Authored by @Nick Lewis

by @nicklewis on Modulations
View my bio on CastGarden: https://cast.garden/c/nicklewis 2023-09-25 21-39-04

In this video I explore just a single voice using the OXI One Sequencer as a keyboard instrument in Chord mode, towards the end I switch into arpeggio mode and discover some nice ideas there too, especially when setting a wider spread of notes, the result is rather beautiful.

Check out today’s video..!


Nice mix @nicklewis! It reminded me of the beginning of that van halen album 1984, trippy synth, great work man!! :)

Christ alive the legendary Van Halen that’s praise indeed! Thanks for checking it out.

The Oxi instruments devices are superb and in my next video I’m going to demonstrate the sequencers it features and some more sounds on the Oxi coral.

More to come.

Cool stuff. There are so many ways to make music these days. I tend to be more oldschool about it even if I do like the look of the gadgets.