" Everything You Want"
Vertical Horizon
Vertical Horizon
Que tal, Hivers. La banda que les traigo el día de hoy es una nativa de Norteamérica y a pesar de su relativo éxito internacional, ha tenido una gran participación en su país, esta banda es “Vertical Horizon”. Esta banda nace en la capital de los estados unidos, donde al principio d los 90´s solo eran un dúo, pero luego de trasladarse a Boston para la grabación de su primer álbum fueron ganando integrantes y con ello la configuración que han tenido hasta ahora. Al principio de su carrera estuvo acompañado de algunas pequeñas giras para promocionar sus primeros álbumes pero no fue sino hasta el lanzamiento de su cuarto álbum “Everything You Want” donde alcanzaron con uno de sus sencillos el primer lugar en las listas de música más importantes, logrando así posicionarse dentro de una de las bandas en ascenso más importantes. Esta banda ha tenido canciones que han formado parte de largometrajes muy famosos, prestan su música, en los playlist de algunas películas de Holywood, haciendo que su nombre viaje mucho más allá de las fronteras norteamericanas. [Link: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertical_Horizon ]
“Everything You Want” canción que se convirtió en el mayor éxito de esta banda, es la principal y una de las mejores canciones, perteneciente al cuarto álbum “Everything You Want” el cual le dio la tan esperada fama mundial a esta banda. La producción de bajo para esta canción es en afinación de Do y su estilo goza de muy buena calidad en ejecución.
"Everything You Want" - Vertical Horizon(Bass Cover)
Somewhere there's speaking
It's already coming in
Oh and it's rising at the back of your mind
You never could get it
Unless you were fed it
Now you're here and you don't know why
But under skinned knees and the skid marks
Past the places where you used to learn
You howl and listen
Listen and wait for the
Echoes of angels who won't return
He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why
You're waiting for someone
To put you together
You're waiting for someone to push you away
There's always another wound to discover
There's always something more you wish he'd say
He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why
But you'll just sit tight
And watch it unwind
It's only what you're asking for
And you'll be just fine
With all of your time
It's only what you're waiting for
Out of the island
Into the highway
Past the places where you might have turned
You never did notice
But you still hide away
The anger of angels who won't return
He's everything you want
He's everything you need
He's everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
He says all the right things
At exactly the right time
But he means nothing to you
And you don't know why
I am everything you want
I am everything you need
I am everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
I say all the right things
At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you and I don't know why
And I don't know why
I don't know
composers: Matt Scannell / Matthew B. Scannell
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Excellent performance! I like the way you feel the music when you play, it shows that you love what you do. Keep it up.