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RE: We're being Physical on ttt154

in Music • 10 months ago

Haaa yes, she's one of ours, though I'm sure you're aware that she was original British by birth, though at some stage most of us were somewhere along the line anyway...🤣

And yes love love LOVED Xanadu....Oh what a movie...Oh what a time...🤣

Even My grandfathers was born on Bonhill in Dunbarton...Mum's maiden name is Giffen from the west coast- Ayreshire way.


Dumbarton and Ayrshire is good Rangers country :)

Yeah I knew she was born in England but didn't know her grandparents were German, quire fascinating researching her.

Yeah I think it's quite fascinating researching everyone's ancestry.

Have you done yours yet?

You know, all us Aussies that came in the first few waves are all under the impression that we're just basically all Brit and nothing else, but when you think about it, the Brits have been mixed up with all other races for centuries first and they're all totally suprised when they find dna from other races...🙄 like the Brits never sailed around the world raping and pillaging virtually every other continent...AFTER they were themselves conquered by the Romans...

I haven't actually done my DNA test yet, but I was actually adopted and thought for 21 years that I was Italian, Greek or Spanish then when I found the bio parents- BIG shock.

1/4 of each...Welsh, Scottish, Irish, English...🙄🤣😭🤣
Still think that there's a lot of something else in there though...

Anyway, what's a ranger?

Oh and you see the first photo in here of the OLD glasses that I found stashed in Mum's cupboard....

Found her jewelry box and sorted it out today- so many Scottish things in there...🤣

Yeah I know mine, we came to the UK in 1066, my ancester was the admiral for William the Conqueror so he led the armada... was rewarded with land etc. Blond was the surname but in time got changed to Blount and then Blunt to denote protestants may years later. So yes it is fascinating.

Rangers are my football team hehe.

That is some set of glasses! Aha so Sunday was a Scottish day


Wow you're family got there in a very significant time didn't they! 1066, I think that's a year that has been drummed into out heads in history in high school over here!

So any idea where they were before 1066? Blond sounds like it could be a Nordic or Germanic name...did you find that out through research or dna or both?

So yes I thought the rangers must have been a footy team..🤣..Footy or soccer?

Ahhhh yeahhh lol...Still finding Scottish stuff stashed away in Mum's jewelry today.

Her old jewelry box was a complete and I found a lot of Scottish broaches in there and what looked like was a pair of cuff links that were turned into earrings with JSG inscribed on them and when the jeweler read out the JSG to me, I instantly thought of Mum's brother- John Scott Giffen who was a famous Magician back in the 50/60/70's before he died, but I just realised just then that they could have also belonged to her dad who was also John Scott Giffen born in Bonhill Dunbarton...Hmmmm...they're in the shape of a crest...I'll take a photo of them tomorrow and show you. If they were his, they'd have to be...atleast 70yrs old- which I know is nothing to you guys when you're all over there finding gold and jewels from the 1200's stashed in paddocks everywhere...🤣