Trace In The City Campus Tour Event Tomorrow

in Music4 months ago


Yo Hivers,

It’s going down tomorrow noon as I’ll be performing at the Trace in the City Campus Tour show which is hosted by Trace Tv. If you are my fan and you are around UYO then turn up as I will be there to serve you Classic vibes only.

Nigerian A-list Artistes like Ajebo Hustlers, Qing Madi, Jerry Shaffer and International Dj Neptune will be there to entertain attendees. Entry is totally free. Come and unwind a bit so you forget your worries.

My duty is to make sure you stay happy and motivated. Nothing good comes easy but we strive till we are made. I don’t come from a very rich background that’s why I gotta secure a premium future for my kids unborn.

Listen to these two tracks and tell me what you think.

Have a good one!


Hey man, I see you are into good musics. Have you heard of the #Vibes web 3 music competition? You can join to participate and win amazing prizes.

Ok bro, thank you! Noted, will check it out.

Aiit man
Looking up to you