Hello, all. It's been some time since I've last posted and for that, I do apologize. It's been one thing after the other this month...As I'm in the midst of a lot of changes, life can be quite consuming at times. But it's okay. We shall preserver in challenging times! In that spirit, I have two demos for you. The first, I really went into. The other, I produced last week. Just a new one. Super sloppy.
Grab your earphones! ^,,,^
I hate to do the same song twice in such a short span of time. But Diet Castro is something I've really been feeling. It's close to my heart. I wanted to do it heavier. I last recorded it and happened to be drinking, which I don't usually do. I prefer caffeine when I'm working. I felt it was more of a controlled session. I think it came out really well. What do you think?
Ramble coming atcha:
I recently enrolled in a driving class. It's one classroom day, and four days of actual driving. But because of Covid, all on hands driving is put off until September. Everyone else that was in the process when everything shut down are just now doing the driving they signed up for months ago.
And guess when my first day of driving is?
September 11th XD My fellow Americans will understand why this is morbidly unsettling..
I realize it's just another day in September, but the date itself almost feels like a dirty word..a day when one must be careful.
I have no idea what to expect when it comes to driving lessons. It's not me I'm so much worried about. It's the way people drive out here...I'm scared shitless. :L But hey. I've met some pretty stupid motherfuckers that had drivers licenses...and with the way people drive out here, I'm hoping it won't be too difficult...
But yeah, beyond that, I've just been working as much as I can and preparing for a big move. Very exciting stuff!
I hope you've all been doing well and that your homes are recovering faster than mine is...because...people are dumb. Some of them, anyway.
I have faith in the future. I hope you do too.
I expect I'll be more free.
I'll try post something for Monday,. Keep an eye out!
See you soon! I promise!
~ C.K.M.
Wait you didn’t grow up in the 90’s and you come out with this killer 90’s alt rock style? Thats crazy man. You should check out some reruns of pete and pete. I bet you’d dig it.
Also don’t stress driving, it’s not that hard, people just make it look difficult because they generally have the attention span of a gnat, plus they can’t put their cellphones down.
Well, i was born in 94, so i sort of did :3
Personally, i prefer to think of it as a future 2020s hit. We shall see tho.
Thank you for the feedback as always, brother.
Ill come by your page and show some love if i havent already.
Oh thats right, you said people drive crazy there, are you in socal by any chance?
Like..social media? o:
Haha, probably everyone in socal is also on social media. I meant southern california, i spent some time in la and there is some crazy driving happening there.
SoCal Media. I like it.
Ohhh. XD
No, New Orleans. Fuck California.
Oh nice, I’ve always wanted to check out the music scene there, I’ve heard it’s pretty much the best place in the world for jazz.