 last year  

Ya, you know it occurred to me lately that my Dad, who is alive and healthy must have been to so many funerals over the years and buried so many good friends and family. Tis mad life sometimes, all the ups, all the downs, but ultimately we all leave in a box regardless and everyone close to you will either see you in the box or you them... I guess the take away is to not sweat the small things and be one of the good guys who has time for everyone..

Absolutely right and cherish the things that matter most. I try and skip funerals as they are not my thing and pay my respects privately, but some you cannot skip.

 last year  

Ok, fair enough, I reckon I must go to at least ten funerals a year. Sad and sombre occasions, though I must say I like to say goodbye to them in my own little way and do like to hear the eulogies.

Irish funerals are famous for their wakes apparently and is more of a celebration. Is that about right or am I wrong?

 last year  

Ya pretty much, especially in rural locations where the wake is at the family home. It's still terribly sad of course, but food is put on and a drink for anyone who wants one and stories are exchanged about the person who passed away.