[ENG/ESP] Cuban music for piano / Música cubana para piano

in Music3 years ago

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Hello Hivers! How are you doing? Today I would like to continue with my cycle of Cuban music for Hive.

About the piece

Today's piece is by a Cuban composer who is currently a teacher and chair of the University of the Arts in Havana, Cuba. Juan Piñera, a youth teacher and an intellectual promoter of Cuban culture.
The work is entitled Salomonic Study for the right hand and as its title indicates it is only for one hand. You can already imagine the complexity of covering the keyboard with one hand.
This studio has a more suggestive style and recreates an atmosphere full of colors and lights.

About the video

It was recorded last December at the Argeliers León Hall of the Concert Music Center in Havana, Cuba.
I hope you enjoy.

I thank you very much for all the support you give me and I will continue working to contribute positively to your lives and add value to them.

A hug and see you soon! Good vibes until then!

Hola Hivers! Cómo les va? Hoy quisiera continuar con mi ciclo de música cubana para Hive.

Sobre la obra

La pieza que les comparto es de un compositor cubano actualmente maestro y jefe de cátedra de la Universidad de las Artes en La Habana, Cuba. Juan Piñera, un maestro de juventudes y un intelectual promotor de la cultura cubana.
La obra se titula Estudio Salomónico para la mano derecha y como su título indica es solo para una mano. Ya podrán imaginar la complejidad que representa abarcar el teclado con una sola mano!
Este estudio tiene un estilo muy sugerente y recrea una atmósfera llena de colores y luces.

Sobre el video

Fue grabado el pasado mes de diciembre en la Sala Argeliers León del Centro de Música de Concierto en La Habana, Cuba.
Espero que lo disfruten.

Les agradezco mucho todo el apoyo que me dan y continuaré trabajando para contribuir positivamente en sus vidas y aportarles valor.

Un abrazo y nos vemos pronto! Buenas vibras hasta entonces!

▶️ 3Speak


This is some beautiful music! Very passionate. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you very much. 🙌

You are very welcome! =)

Niiice,, I loved it
it felt like you were telling a story..

Thank you very much. It's nice to here that. Greetings 🙌

What a beautiful content. I been looking lately, if there's a music lover here. Seems like you' re the one.

Thank you very much. I do love music and enjoy playing. Glad to have you here. See you around! 🙌

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Have some !PIZZA because...

Maravillosa y majestuosa tu interpretación y ejecución en el piano como siempre. Mis felicitaciones para ti

Muchas gracias @davidosunamusic . Un abrazo! 🙌


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